Xpress Weekly X-erpts©: Your comments on “What You Would Do” from Xpress with Doc X MD and Audra RN©.
YIKES! Podcasts are unavailable at this time, while KAMU FM 90.9 undergoes updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding! We will have podcasts up as soon as possible. Doc X MD and Audra RN
Citation Requests: We ask that you properly cite Doc X MD and Audra RN X-cerpts©, should you use any of the material for your own work. The format for referencing is: Audio Title (XXXXXXX). Xpress With Doc X MD and Audra RN Air Date (Year/Month/Day): Retrieved from https://docxmd.com/xpressxerpts/
Sept. 29, 2018
Texas Reds Steak and Grape Festival!
Sept. 12, 2018
Let’s ALL Become More RADIO ACTIVE!!!
Just an afterthought, but one which is universally applicable. Emotion bypasses critical thinking. It’s been done by tyrants for ages. Think lynch mobs. How much longer are we gonna let ’em push out buttons? How much longer are we gonna let ’em control us? How much longer can humanity survive with nuclear weapons & mob mentality? Critical thinking is essential to survival. We just need to DO it more, while we still can. We must apply it to eradicate injustice & thus lessen tensions. We shouldn’t abandon emotions, just don’t let them run wild & destroy us, individually or collectively. We need more programs like YOURS to enable us to discuss things rationally so we can learn with & from each other, becoming better able to see what’s REALLY going on-& WHY. “Come, let us reason together” (JFK) “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.” (JFK) An excellent way to do so is exemplified by YOUR SHOW!:Let’s all become MORE RADIO ACTIVE!!!
Frank-Listener of Xpress with Doc X MD and Audra RN
August 14, 2018
Ref. Calls Foul for Parent’s Bad Behavior
August 7, 2018
Gates Testifies Against Manafort: Betrayal or Justice?
Collier: Squealing Versus Cleaning Up One’s Mess
Robert: When End Justifies The Means
Wes: Individuals Versus State of The Nation
July 31, 2018
Online 3D Gun Blueprints: Free Speech Versus Public Safety?
Robert: Restrictions We Don’t Think About
Jeremiah: Laughable Versus Threatening
Kevin: 3D or Machete… Which is Worse?
July 24, 2018
Throwing Kittens From a Car: A Litter Trend?
Ken: Law of Retaliation-Eye for Eye
July 17, 2018
Helsinki Summit: What’s the Purpose?
Mark: Building Hotels Versus Building Allies